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Aims and benefits of participating in the FACE IT project
Project FACE: IT - Fun and Curriculum-oriented exercises for Information Technology is done under
Key Action 2 - Strategic partnerships for School Education, Erasmus+ programme.
The project comprises four schools:
Staatliche Wirtschaftsschule, Dinkelsbühl, Germany - the main coordinator,
Technical Lyceum of Lechaina, Lechaina, Greece,
IES Colonial, Fuente Palmera, Spain
and Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących im. A. Mickiewicza, Kluczbork, Poland.
The goal of the project is the preparation, organization and creation of a mobile phone app for an international quiz of knowledge taught at all schools as well as general and civic knowledge. The quiz will be available in the languages of the schools and in English. The schools‘ staff will analyze the curricula and decide on similar topics for the quiz. In the next step the students will have to create questions and answers for the quiz in project groups. Apart from developing IT skills, the international character of the project will enable the students to develop their social and organizational competences, teach them tolerance and gain experience in various fields emphasizing the European dimension of the project.
Project coordinators:
Konstantin Chytiris (Dinkelsbühl)
Georgios Delimpeis (Lechaina)
Inmaculada Guadix Montero (Fuente Palmera)
Agata Murzyńska (Kluczbork)
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